
  • Hey American Fork Drivers; What Is the Most Distracting Food?
    So what is the most distracting food to have in the car while driving around American Fork?Is it: A Hamburger; Coffee; A Soft Drink, or Gummy Bears? Well, you may be surprised to learn that a...
    Published on: Sep 06, 2020
  • Keys to a Long Lasting Vehicle
    We live in a disposable society. Everything from elaborate packaging to our clothing. Even cell phones are disposable. When replacement is cheaper than repair, the term "built to last" goes by the way...
    Published on: Oct 18, 2020
  • Busted: The Maintenance-Free Myth in American Fork
    There's a segment of the American Fork area population that's not committed to proper vehicle maintenance. {{ image(''...
    Published on: Nov 08, 2020
  • The Engine Gets a Boost (Turbocharged Engine Maintenance)
    If someone told you that your vehicle could have the same power but with a smaller engine, wouldn't that sound like great idea? Just think, a smaller engine would save you money at the gas station and...
    Published on: Mar 14, 2021
  • Regular Schedule or Severe Service Schedule at Zandy Auto Repair?
    Today's Zandy Auto Repair article focuses on severe service maintenance. Many American Fork drivers are not aware of them and yet there are also very vocal advocates in UT who think that severe serv...
    Published on: May 09, 2021
  • The Easy Way to Save Cash in American Fork
    The hottest UT news story may be different every day, but there's one topic that seems to come up over and over again – the price of gas in American Fork. If you feel like most of your paychec...
    Published on: Nov 14, 2021
  • Synthetic Oil for American Fork Autos
    If you are a driver in American Fork and you aren't currently using synthetic motor oil in your vehicle, maybe now's the time to consider it. Need more information? Well, synthetic motor o...
    Published on: Oct 09, 2022
  • Maintaining Your Older Car in American Fork, UT
    The government mandates a lot of equipment on cars in American Fork, UT: emission devices and control computers, safety equipment like airbags and crash worthiness requirements. All of this is great f...
    Published on: Feb 12, 2023
  • Busting Automotive Myths in American Fork, UT
    Myths passed around our American Fork, UT community start with a grain of evidence and are then built up with a lot of imagination and very elastic logic. And the internet is a breeding ground for a...
    Published on: Feb 11, 2024
  • Don't Miss a Beat (Importance of Regular Maintenance)
    In many places, license plates have to be renewed every year or else you can't drive your vehicle legally.  Usually, you'll get a reminder from the agency that issues the plates. That kind of re...
    Published on: Mar 24, 2024
  • Change Your Wiper Blades Twice Yearly at Zandy Auto Repair
    Because 90% of our driving decisions are based on visual information, unobscured vision is paramount. Which brings us to the topic of today's Zandy Auto Repair article: wiper blades. While t...
    Published on: Apr 07, 2024
  • Keep Your American Fork Car Breathing Free: Engine Air Filter
    Hey American Fork - this is something really amazing: Your vehicle uses 12,000 times as much air as fuel when you drive it. All of that air has to be filtered to keep your engine clean.Tha...
    Published on: Jul 14, 2024